There are many typical items of our Sardinian tradition that might be the perfect souvenir to take with you once you say goodbye to beautiful Sardinia.
In the wide selection that you'll find in our well-stocked shop worth mentioning is our knives and the art of knife making, famous Sardinian handicraft activity with some real masterpieces ranging from more basic forms to real artistic masterpieces coveted by collectors.
The traditional Sardinian knife is the switchblade, represented by finely crafted handles made of mouflon horns, as our ancestors used in the past, and also of more modern materials such as burr juniper and other types of wood.
The blades are hardened through ancient processes, yet secretly preserved from generation to generation, forged between hammer and anvil with painstaking attention.
For Sardinians the "S'Arresoja" is a symbol, a true emblem that distinguishes valiant men from lesser valiant ones in farming-pastoral environments. Several places boast this type of product as their pride and joy, such as Pattada in Sassari, Arbus in Medio Campidano, Dorgali in Nuoro and products made in Oristano.
SA PATTADESA: The original knife from Pattada. It is considered the Sardinian knife par excellence. The classic shape is the SA RESORZA presenting the blade as foll'è murta, in other words with the characteristic shape of a myrtle leaf. This knife is usually a switchblade.
The handle has a simple line.
In the steel top above the handle a Lapwing is inscribed. This is a typical Sardinian depiction, widely used as a symbol of thanks, fertility and freedom.
Other typical souvenirs are also products made of cork, which may be for ornamental or decorative purposes, or the ones in carved wood, wrought iron and even copper, prized material to create braziers, pots and containers that will definitely look great in your home..
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Sardinian handicrafts
Passiamo ora a descrivere un’altra antica arte che descrive la nostra isola Sarda, ossia l’intreccio che genera la cestineria, ad uso più disparato come raccoglitori di frutta, pane o biancheria.
Avrete l’imbarazzo della scelta tra i classici cestini costruiti in canna piuttosto che in vimini che in asfodelo, con manico squisitamente intrecciato ad arco, oppure tra i panieri con quella unica forma a tronco di cono che prendono vita anche dalla paglia di grano e dal giunco.
Sardinian baskets
Sardinian baskets
Sardinian baskets